Our goal is...

... to help you stay active by planning out your upcoming activies efficiently. Efficiency can come in many different forms: from minimizing the cost of signing up for the same number of activities all the way to simply making the planning as easy as a few clicks and anything in between. We are on a mission to help you find the most efficient solution for your unique situation.

Save Time

Have you ever spent time trying to plan out a year worth of events? Where? Which one? How much will it cost? When will I have to register? etc. As much as we like our sport and as much as such planning can be even lot of fun at first, but if you ever had to do that year after year, you probably could spend that time with your favorite activity instead.

Minimize Your Cost

Attending several events a year costs money. Depending on the events you pick it can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Being smart with your money could mean that from any given amount you can save up to pay for more races or save some while still registering for everything you wanted to. We are here to help you to find ways to stretch your hard earned money.

Avoid Missing Out

Missing out on signing up is no fun. Lot of events allow you to register even on race day, but to the contrary there are plenty of races where registration has to be completed in advance. Let's help you solve this problem.

Know What Is Coming

You can't get to the Finish line, unless you toe the Start line first. The more events you are planning to attend the more effort it will take to see when and what needs to be done. How awesome is it, that you will have a tool to easily keep track of everything?

The Planout Project

Coming in 2017